donderdag 20 september 2012

Storing boards & logs

I must admit that my motivation for keeping the blog up to date went way down when we stopped building on the sauna. After Karel went back to Belgium I spent my time visiting Stockholm, Uppsala and parts of Dalarna.
But there was still one big job left: storing our logs and boards and planks in such a way that there're proctected from the rain & moist. It's something that must be done with care: when the wood is badly aired fungi start to grow very quickly.
Luckily I received help from my dad who visited me in Sweden at the beginning of september (it's not possible to lift the hustimmers alone).

Spacers keep the boards apart. Between the top layer and the tarp there's also a ventilation space.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Dit jaar niets meer gedaan?

    1. Toetoet, ik moet dringend de blog eens updaten.
      Afgelopen zomer waren we er weer,voor een korte periode.
      Niet gebouwd, maar aan een stelling rond de hut gewerkt.
